
What is the meaning of the name Cassius?

The name Cassius is primarily a male name of Latin origin that means Vain.

Cassius Clay (aka Muhammad Ali), boxer.

Different Spellings of the name Cassius:


People who like the name Cassius also like:

Atticus, Gabriel, Jasper, Caspian, Silas, Oliver, Sebastian, Aurora, Charlotte, Evangeline, Penelope, Adelaide, Ophelia, Amelia

Names like Cassius:

Chikao, Chaos, Chisuzu, Coco, Cashi, Case, Chase, Cuc, Cui, Cassia, Chago, Caius, Chiyoko, Chachi, Chuchau, Chiyo, Chiku, Cheche, Chickoa, Chico, Chijioke, Chaz, Cho, Chai, Chazz, Chessa, Cook, Cocohuay, Chi, Cachi

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Cassius Brown - son of Bobby Brown and Alicia Etheridge , born 2009

Stats for the Name Cassius

checkmark Cassius is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Cassius is currently #576 in U.S. births
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