
What is the meaning of the name Gypsy?

The name Gypsy is primarily a gender-neutral name of English origin that means (Mistakenly) From Egypt.

PLEASE NOTE: “Gypsy” is a derogatory, racist term for the Roma or Romani people - people with Romanian origins and originally of Indian decent. When the Roma people left India in the 11th century, the Europeans mistook them as Egyptian, which was the basis for the term “gypsy.” Although it has been used as a given name in the past, it's recommended that parents do not use this term as a given or nickname.

Gypsy Rose Lee, entertainer, subject of the film "Gypsy." Gypsy Rose Blanchard, infamous murderer.

People who like the name Gypsy also like:

Milo, Owen, Liam, Mason, Holden, Finn, Chase, Genevieve, Chloe, Aurora, Scarlett, Alice, Luna, Ivy

Names like Gypsy:

Gabija, Gibbs

Stats for the Name Gypsy

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Songs about Gypsy

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Gypsy - Fleetwood Mac
Gypsy Eyes - Jimi Hendrix
Gypsy Woman - Crystal Waters
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