
What is the meaning of the name McCoy?

The name McCoy is primarily a gender-neutral name of Scottish origin that means Son Of Aodh.

Scottish surname, from the Celtic "Mac Aodh"

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Momoka, Myeong, Max, Micaiah, Manju, Magic, Mahkah, Minze, Manica, Manas, Miyoko, Misako, Music, Miyako, Magaskawee, Myeisha, Mischa, Mahomes, Minga, Maisa, Mego, Misa, Makeiah, Mac, Monico, Micha, Myesha, Mesha, Mance, Monissa

Stats for the Name McCoy

checkmark McCoy is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark McCoy is currently #974 in U.S. births
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