
What is the meaning of the name Dorian?

The name Dorian is primarily a gender-neutral name of Greek origin that means From The Sea.

First used as a name by Oscar Wilde for the 1891 novel The Portrait of Dorian Gray

People who like the name Dorian also like:

Liam, Oliver, Declan, Gabriel, Dominic, Ethan, Sebastian, Charlotte, Violet, Aurora, Penelope, Amelia, Audrey, Evelyn

Names like Dorian:

Darren, Daryan, Durham, Dariana, Dhiren, Durin, Dayaram, Drian, Darrion, Datherine, Darrin, Dren, Dorin, Derion, Darien, Deron, Darian, Dharma, Darion, Derwyn, Duran, Darin, Darena, Darina, Dreama, Darwin, Doreen, Derron, Dorona

Stats for the Name Dorian

checkmark Dorian is currently #56 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Dorian is currently #608 in U.S. births

Songs about Dorian

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Picture of Dorian Gray - The King of Luxembourg
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