
What is the meaning of the name Arielle?

The name Arielle is primarily a female name of Hebrew origin that means Lion Of God.

Form of ARIEL

People who like the name Arielle also like:

Charlotte, Ariella, Ava, Amelia, Aurora, Aria, Abigail, Ethan, Elijah, Benjamin, Gabriel, Oliver, Liam, Alexander

Names like Arielle:

Aurelie, Arwel, Ariella, Aurelio, Airell, Auriel, Arella, Aurelia, Ariel, Aurele, Ariela, Airlie, Areli, Arilla, Arlo, Airlia

Stats for the Name Arielle

checkmark Arielle is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Arielle is currently #417 in U.S. births
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