
What is the meaning of the name Ronald?

The name Ronald is primarily a male name of English origin that means Counsel Rule.

Scottish form of the name Ragnvaldr, which consists of the elements regin, meaning "advice, counsel" and valdr meaning "power or ruler." Ronald Reagan, US President and actor. Ronald Klink, politician. Ronald McDonald, commercial spokes-clown.

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William, Nicholas, Andrew, Henry, Oliver, George, Arthur, Emma, Lily, Rose, Alice, Charlotte, Hermione, Olivia

Names like Ronald:

Reynold, Reynaldo, Ronaldo

Stats for the Name Ronald

checkmark Ronald is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Ronald is currently #612 in U.S. births

Songs about Ronald

Ballad Of Ronald Reagan - Austin Lounge Lizards
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