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Podcast Episodes

Episodes of The Baby Names Podcast

Name Bites

Name Bites: Carlton and Marva

In this Name Bites, Jennifer and Mallory pick names of educators Carlton Moody and Marva Collins. Carlton Moody was our vice principal at Martin Luther King Jr. Laboratory School in Evanston Illinois. He was a beloved role model for many students during his tenure at the experimental school, and still interacts with them today! → full article

Name Bites

Name Bites: Sian and Mamoru

In our between-the-episodes Name Bites, Jennifer and Mallory each deep dive into one name and review its meaning, origin, namesakes, and popularity.

The theme for this episode is ASTRONAUTS! In this episode, we cover the female Welsh name Sian in honor of Sian Proctor, and the Japanese name Mamoru in honor of Mamoru “Mark” Mohri. → full article

Episode 76 - Top Names from Around the World

The Baby Names Podcast #76: Top Names from Around the World

Episode 76 – Jennifer and Mallory review and analyze the top 5 names from 40 countries around the world: Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia Federation, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, and the United States. → full article

Zen, Sage, and Names of New Age

The Baby Names Podcast #75: Zen, Sage, and Names from New Age

Episode 75 – Jennifer and Mallory suggest names associated with and reminiscent of New Age spirituality. We also report on the current Celebrity Baby News and take name questions from our listeners.

Names mentioned in this episode: Idris, Malcolm, Avice, Isabeau, Rayssa, Momiji, Zen, Sage, Asta, Bodhi, Celeste, Déja, Ethereal, Kismet, Muse, Nyx, Seance, Solstice, Spirit, Vortex… and many, many more! → full article

Name Bites

Name Bites: Lilibet and Roman

In a new addition to our podcast, we present our first installment of Name Bites! Jennifer and Mallory each pick a name to present and discuss its origin, history, popularity, and namesakes.

Names mentioned in this episode: Lilibet, Elizabeth, Roman

Have a name you want us to cover? → full article

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