
What is the meaning of the name Anaya?

The name Anaya is primarily a female name of Indian origin that means Completely Free.

People who like the name Anaya also like:

Aria, Amara, Amaya, Ava, Anya, Aurora, Ananya, Oliver, Isaiah, Caleb, Elijah, Liam, Ethan, Gabriel

Names like Anaya:

Anemoon, Amy, Annie, Amani, Aimo, Anane, An, Anne, Ayaan, Aniya, Anima, Anan, Ammon, Ayane, Aminia, Anahi, Amnon, Ahanu, Aim, Awen, Ayumu, Aiman, Amna, Aman, Amya, Awnan, Ahmoua, Anemone, Ann, Aine

Stats for the Name Anaya

checkmark Anaya is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Anaya is currently #390 in U.S. births
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