Elijah too Popular?

Dear Jennifer,
I have always been fascinated by name meanings, and have enjoyed using your site since my early teen years. Back then my favorite name was Aiden, but around 2008 the Aiden-craze hit and I quickly changed my favorite boy name to Elijah.
→ full article

Affordable adjustable rocker

From Fisher-Price comes a portable and adjustable rocker that “grows” with your baby from newborn to toddler.

The seat supplies soothing vibrations as well, and has two toys built in.

(You can see the reviews on Amazon are very good, except for one that notes it looks as low-cost as it is.)

It’s $38 here. → full article

Free app for your baby bump

With the BabyBump pregnancy tracker, just enter your due date (or calculate from the last menstrual period) and the personal countdown screen shows the remaining weeks and days — with schematic embryo pictures of a baby for each week, as well as details about your baby’s size, weight and development. → full article

Author Name: Claribel

Hi Jennifer,

I just found out that I am expecting and my first reaction was to check out your website. I have a whole collection of names that I have saved in the back of my diaries and I am super excited to finally be able name someone other then my puppies and the characters I develop in my short stories.

→ full article


Hi Jennifer,

My husband and I are expecting our second child early this November. We love uncommon Biblical names that represent our deep faith, that don’t sound too weird. Our first child we named Selah, she is both strong like a rock, but also musical and meditative like in the Psalms. → full article

What Lies Within

Hi Jennifer!

I saw the name Janalyn on another website with unique baby names. I think that it’s a very pretty name, but do you think that it is too trendy?

Thanks, Kyleigh

Dear Kyleigh,

Yes, it sounds like a pretty name, and is definitely a combination of the names Jana and Lyn. → full article

Grandfather’s Nordic Name

Dear Jennifer,

We gave our eldest son the middle name ANUND (pronounced On-nund).  It was the middle name of my paternal grandfather.  My maiden name/his surname was HYNE.  I grew up in a small town in central Wisconsin (Fox Lake), he grew up just down the road in Beaver Dam, WI.  → full article

Found by Salina Yoon

Young children are skilled at finding many things while out adventuring — some good, some bad.  They often find others’ lost toys and loveys, too.  Found by author/illustrator Salina Yoon is a sweet story book that explores the drive to return something to its rightful owner while still feeling the ambivalence over doing so. → full article


Hi Jennifer!

Thank you so much for creating this site, it is one of my favorite websites and I visit it almost every day!

I was just wondering if you could help me find out the origin of my name, Lexington. → full article

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