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Crib rockers helps crying babies sleep

The DreamMover baby rocker “gently rocks at the speed of a mother’s heartbeat,” says its maker RoboPax, to “creates just the right amount of ambient noise.”

The company says its rocker “eases the transition from the womb into the world,” to “significantly reduce baby crying,”

The gadget works with all strollers, seats, pads, push chairs, etc., the company adds, and is easy to set up and clean. → full article

Name from History

Hi Jennifer,

My son’s name is Patton. My husband likes WW2 history and got the name idea from General George S. Patton. Do you know the meaning? 

Dear Elindsey (great unique name!),
Patton is an Anglo-Scottish surname. 
→ full article

The name Levron

Hi Jennifer!

My great-grandmother’s maiden name was Levron and I was wondering if you may have information about it. Could it be French? I know her family has ties with France.


Hi Laura,

Levron is originally a French surname, which is geographical for a family from Vron, France.
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Embedding Dad’s Name

Hi Jennifer,

I’ve been a long time lurker on BabyNames.com, even before I was married or expecting. Now I’m pregnant with my first child and would appreciate your help; I love the name Declan and the meaning ‘full of goodness.’ My husband’s name is Clay and I was trying to make the baby’s name more meaningful by adding a ‘Y’ to produce the title “Declayn.” My husband thinks that everyone will mispronounce the name and it will cause confusion. → full article

Creating a New Name

Hi Jennifer,

Well, I like the name Tavia, but I don’t want to name one of my kids after someone I know who’s name is Tavia. So I added a suffix, “anna”. I looked on your site, and “Tavia” was listed as an abbreviation of “Octavia”, meaning eight, and “anna” was listed as “gracious, merciful”. → full article

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