As someone who has helped name babies for over 25 years, I was initially hesitant to incorporate AI (Artificial Intelligence) into our site. After all, we’re about humans giving birth to humans!

But knowing that it’s inevitable that AI will work its way into all aspects of life, I couldn’t ignore the fact that it also could be useful for baby naming. Always eager to test out new tech, I interfaced with ChatGPT to create three new features: The AI BabyNamer, the Sibling Name Generator, and our Nickname Generator. So far, our users are enjoying the ride!

“I found my unique name and he actually agrees! NAIMBOT saved us!”

– Emily C.

But is it a good idea to let AI choose your baby’s name? Let’s explore the benefits and drawbacks of this new technology:

Benefits of using AI to Choose Baby Names

1. Wide Net of Names & Resources

AI algorithms can access extensive resources of names and their trends from all across the world. This allows the AI to suggest names that you might not have considered, providing a wider array of options. AI can also analyze current trends from any specific location to suggest names that are stylish, yet timeless. But does AI know what “timeless” really means? 🤔

2. Personalized Suggestions

AI can tailor name suggestions based on your personal preferences. By inputting criteria such as desired initials, cultural significance, or specific themes, AI can generate a list of names that align closely with your own tastes and values. This personalized approach saves time and narrows down the vast sea of options.

3. More Objective

Human decision-making can be influenced by biases, whether conscious or unconscious. AI, on the other hand, might provide an objective list of names. This might be helpful for parents looking for names that aren’t influenced by cultural or societal prejudices. But beware, because as a programmer I know that all code – even AI code – is written by a human trained on specific sources, and can still generate answers based on inherent biases.

4. Help Find Unique Names

AI can help parents avoid overly popular names, which might lead to choosing a name that already pervades the classrooms. By analyzing name popularity data, AI can suggest unique names that stand out. Do make sure you give the AI a prompt that has as much detail as possible so it can tailor the names to your preferences.

5. Novelty Factor

It might be fun to test out AI with the task of helping name your baby. Everyone’s talking about this new technology and how it has suddenly taken over our lives. It can’t hurt to test out the tools and let it assist in name-storming for additions to your list! And if you choose a name that AI suggests, you’ll have a cool story for your child about their name.

Drawbacks of using AI to Choose Baby Names

1. Lack of Humanity

One of the main criticisms of using AI for baby naming is the potential lack of personal touch. Naming a baby is a deeply emotional and personal experience that involves intuition and a connection with names that AI might not be able to fully understand. Some parents might feel that a name chosen by artificial intellgence lacks the sentimental value that comes from a more traditional, human-centered process.

2. Limited Cultural Sensitivity

While AI can access a vast amount of data, it might not fully grasp the nuances of cultural significance or your family’s traditions. Some names hold particular importance within certain families, and AI might overlook these subtleties, leading to suggestions that might not resonate as strongly with the parents.

3. GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out)

The quality of any of AI’s out depends on the quality of its input. If your input is too vague, the results of suggested names might turn out to be irrelevant to you. Large language models are most effective if the user has the ability to clearly define their preferences and requirements. And there are many times that AI just spits out nonsense. Have you ever seen it try to create writing on an image? Illegible.

4. Too Generic

AI tends to rely on data patterns and trends, which might result in names that are safe but not particularly imaginative. This could lead to a selection of names that, while fitting your criteria, might lack the flair or uniqueness of names that you might desire for your future child. But it also might be giving the same suggestions to many, many other inquirers. You don’t know the secrets of the algorithm! Having a generic or popular name choice might work for you, however, if you are an author looking to name characters.

5. Ethical Concerns

There are also ethical considerations to keep in mind. The increasing reliance on AI for personal decisions raises questions about privacy and the extent to which technology should influence deeply personal aspects of our lives. Some parents might be uncomfortable with the idea of entrusting such a meaningful decision to an algorithm.

So using AI in your baby name process can offer a range of benefits. It can help expand your pool of names to consider and give you suggestions that you might not necessarily have considered. Keep in mind that you should also balance these advantages with the potential drawbacks, such as the lack of personal touch and cultural sensitivity.

Ultimately, it’s the parents’ decision whether to use AI in choosing your baby name, as your end-goal is to ensure that the name you choose resonates nd holds a significance to you and your child. I would say it doesn’t hurt to use AI, but also you – the human – should make the final baby name decision.

Honestly, I don’t hate that the AI Nickname Generator gave me the nickname “J-Dazzle.” 😂 If you’ve used any of our AI tools, let us know if it’s helped you with your baby naming process! We’re eager to enter this new phase of information technology with you!

Headshot of Jennifer Moss

Jennifer Moss (she/her) is the founder of, author of The Baby Names Workbook, and Producer of The Baby Names Podcast. Jennifer is widely regarded as the leading expert on popular baby name trends and the naming process, serving as the authoritative source on the subject for national and international media.

Jennifer entered the tech arena in the 80s as a software developer and database architect, and became a pioneer in the Internet industry. In addition to operating, Jennifer owns a web development agency in central California.