Same Name As Celebrity?
Hi Jennifer,
Our last name is Wilson and we found out we’re having a boy. My husband and I both love the name Owen, but are afraid our son will be teased since Owen Wilson is a famous actor. → full article
Jennifer Moss (she/her) is the founder of, author of The Baby Names Workbook, and Producer of The Baby Names Podcast. Jennifer is widely regarded as the leading expert on popular baby name trends and the naming process, serving as the authoritative source on the subject for national and international media.
Jennifer entered the tech arena in the 80s as a software developer and database architect, and became a pioneer in the Internet industry. In addition to operating, Jennifer owns a web development agency in central California.
Hi Jennifer,
Our last name is Wilson and we found out we’re having a boy. My husband and I both love the name Owen, but are afraid our son will be teased since Owen Wilson is a famous actor. → full article
Hi Jennifer!
There’s a character in a book I read in school as a kid (The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare) named Malthace, which I’ve always thought was a very interesting name. → full article
Dear Ms. Moss,
You invite people to ask name-related questions on your site, and I’ve got a question that has been bothering me and my partner for quite some time now. We’re expecting a child to be born halfway through Juli, and we’re severely limited in names. → full article
Hi Babynames,
I just wanted to share a little feedback on your most recent article. In it, you stated no one goes by their middle name unless they are in trouble. Well that’s not entirely true as I will explain below. → full article
Hi Jennifer,
For most of his life my husband has wanted to name a child Jack after his grandfather. However, I’ve rejected it because a) it’s incredible popularity for kids right now and the ubiquity in popular culture is annoying to me and b) there are several Jacks in his family currently living with the same last name. → full article
Hi Jennifer,
Long time fan, here! I’ve enjoyed reading your column for years! My husband and I are getting ready to expand our family, and so we are starting to consider names for our future little one. → full article
Hi Jennifer,
I noticed that you were an author, too, in addition to being a baby namer – and so I wanted to ask how you approach naming your characters? Do you have a process you go through? → full article
Dear Jennifer,
I’m a soon-to-be first time mom and this whole name thing is overwhelming. My name was rather unique growing up and I’d like to keep with that tradition for my daughter. → full article
Dear Jennifer,
I’ve noticed that it’s okay for names to crossover from boys to girls, but not vice versa. Why do you think that is?
Thanks, Tracey,
Dear Tracey,
I’m not a gender or sociology expert by any means, but I can give my observations from a historical perspective. → full article
My sister is a long time elementary school teacher. She asked her Facebook group of teachers about the most unique student names they’ve encountered throughout the year. Here are the results:
BamBam Beauty Im’Unique Tequila Rebel Messiah Abcde (pronounced AB-si-dee)* Sir Highness Christ (female) Elvis (female) Graiggeree (pr. → full articleHi Jennifer,
First of all, I adore your site! I have no children but I have a supreme passion for names. I was watching the new Grease: Live event and was struck by the name Kenickie. → full article
Dear Jennifer,
I love Baker as a surname, and it’s also listed on your website as a first name. Is Baker an accepted first name for a boy?
Sincerely, Sasha R.
Hi Sasha, Absolutely Baker can be a first name! → full article
Hi Jennifer!
Sometimes when I’m looking at names on this site I’m not 100% certain of their pronunciation. Is there a way for you to add a sound bite or a pronunciation key to the names? → full article
Hi Jennifer,
A little question from a fan of your site from the Netherlands!
I’m a single mom with a beautiful little boy Caleb and having another little bundle of joy in 2016. → full article
Hello Jennifer,
I was reading book called The Bungalow by Sarah Jio and I really liked the hero’s first name: Westry. I was wondering if you could tell me more about it just for fun. → full article