Baby Names Lists & Trends
Looking for some name inspo? Browse through our curated name lists and articles about names and naming.
Hi Jennifer,
I was wondering your opinion on using names with non-traditional spellings. My name is spelled in a non-traditional way: Karlee instead of Carly. I am almost always called Kaylee or Callie when first meeting people; not to mention I have to spell out my first name or have it spelled wrong every time. → full article
Hi Jennifer!
First, I have to thank you for this amazing site! I’m always on here looking for inspiring baby names. I have read nearly every Q&A so I am familiar with your “rules for baby naming”. → full article
I have recently met someone who named their daughter “Lillia” (LIL-LIA). Could you add it to your database? Do you know what the meaning of this name is? Thanks!
Dear Anna,
The name Lillia is a variant of Lily/Lilly/Lilia and means “lily flower.” I have added it as an alternate spelling to our LILIA page. → full article
Hi Jennifer,
I’ve seen you advise many times not to name your child something ending in -ie or -y. I really like the name Emily for my daughter, but do you think it would age well? → full article
Question… what do you think of when you hear Joaquin? I’m trying to see how this name will work on a Resume when he is older.
Answer… I think of the actor Joaquin Phoenix. → full article
Hello Jennifer,
I am starting to love month and seasonal names. Right now I like April. Must my daughter be born in April to receive that name or is that tacky? Same with Summer or Autumn, do they need to be born in that season, should I avoid matching birthday with name, or does it even matter? → full article
Hi Jennifer,
I recently met a young lady with the name Beige, and I simply love it! I think it is a great alternative to Paige, and I noticed that it is not in the database! → full article
I’ve always loved the name Dakota. While I’m not yet expecting, it’s at the top of our list for a girl as it’s one of the few names we agree on. Recently, though, someone mentioned to me that it’s a culturally insensitive name due to the Native American tribe and that it would be cruel to use it for a child’s name. → full article
Hi Jennifer,
For as long as I remember, I planned on giving all my children names which are anagrams of my name, Adina. I named our first baby boy Aidan.
I’m expecting my second baby in January, so I don’t know the sex yet. → full article
Hi Jennifer,
Your site has been my most visited site recently.
My wife and I are expecting a baby boy this fall (first child). However we got into a bit of confusion over a name we initially chosen. → full article
Hi Jennifer!
I have a little boy Noah Benjamin. I never thought when I was pregnant that Noah could be shortened but he has become Nono, No and Nose to pretty much everyone, including myself! → full article
Hi Jennifer,
I found an Irish name I really like – Eoin – Irish form of John. My problem is I have no idea how to pronounce it. I think it might be pronounce like Ian, but have no real idea. → full article
I just have to say I love your site. My husband and I are really banking on having a girl & I heard the name Eviana (Ev-E-Annah) the other day, but could not find it in your database. → full article
Dear Jennifer,
I find myself caught in a theme with trying to name our second child. Both of our names end with a y and our son’s name has a y in it (we picked it cause we loved the name and not for the y). → full article
I was trying to upload a face pix and received this message: This name is not in our database, so photo will not appear on the site. My first name is Oneika. → full article