Reality star and former soccer player Ashley Cain has shared he is expecting a new baby in his life. The news comes two years after the loss of his 8-month-old daughter Azaylia Diamond in 2021. “I believe, after having Azaylia, that I was put on this earth to be a father.”

Ashley, 33, shared the news in an interview with The Sun on Sunday, revealing that someone he had dated earlier this year and whom he has known since he was 18 is pregnant with their baby. “I got a message saying that she needed to speak to me,” the Ex on the Beach star recalled, “so I went to see her and she told me she was pregnant — I can’t put into words how that felt.” While he knew after his daughter that he was destined for fatherhood, the news was bittersweet. “The thought of potentially having another child after losing one was very difficult to understand for me. Even though this next part of my journey is going to be hard, I truly understand that every child that comes into this world is a blessing.” He also revealed that his new baby with be a boy.

Ashley’s daughter was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of leukemia in October 2020 and while she had a stem-cell transplant, the cancer returned in February 2021. The former soccer player previously shared that chemotherapy wasn’t working and he later shared that Azaylia passed away in April 2021. Ashely shared Azaylia with his ex-girlfriend Safiyya Vorajee.

After the news of his new baby broke, Ashley penned a candid post on Instagram reflecting on the news and his complicated feelings as a father who lost a child. “I am a man that went through a tragic 6 month battle with my daughter fighting cancer. I am a man that witnessed that terrible illness take her life. I am a man that had to bury the most precious thing I have ever seen, touched & witnessed. I am a man that not only is dealing with grief, but remained strong to help those around me deal with theirs. I am a man that made promises and commitments to his daughter that he would be the best person he could be to make a positive difference in this world for other children that follow in her footsteps. I am a man that kept that promise and despite his feelings everyday, does what he needs to do to make that happen. I am also a man that chooses to help others fight their demons, open up about their problems and be brave enough to tackle and improve their mental health. I am a man that even though not with his ex partner, provided a safe space for her surrounded by his very own family for years after they spilt.”

He went on share the person he is committing to be with his newborn son. “I am a family man.. A lover, a carer and a fighter for myself, my people and the things that I believe in. & now I am a man that is having another child, not with a partner, but with a lady that is a good person, who I trust & believe will be a great mother. Being that man, I will be a present father to my child. I will love, care & protect him at all costs for the rest of my life. I am a man that has took heat over and over again while caring for his terminally ill child. I am a man that has continued taking that heat since losing his precious child. I am also a man that is prepared to continue to take that heat to continue his daughters legacy, to continue having a positive impact in this world & to make sure that I can be the best father that I can be to my son. I am a man that will not only take that heat, but I will control the flames to make sure they don’t burn others that I care about in the process. I am a man, a human being, not a perfect one, but one that is committed to doing as best as he possibly can.”

Congratulations to Ashley on the news of his new baby. We wish him lots of love as he prepares for his son’s arrival.

Headshot of Kate Fann smiling

Kate Fann (she/her) is the celebrity blogger, as well as an established content writer, aspiring author, and social media expert. She has been featured in online publications such as Bolde, ManoByte, Medium, The Social Observer, and more. Kate has ghostwritten numerous romance novels and is currently working on publishing her own works in the Young Adult genre.

Kate lives in East Tennessee with her husband Casey and her two sons, Quinn and Noah. When she's not writing or scrolling Instagram, Kate can be found tasting delicious wines, playing with make-up, baking yummy treats, or hiking the beautiful Smoky Mountains.