Josh Kelley, Katherine Heigl and Daughters / @katherineheigl
Josh Kelley, Katherine Heigl and Daughters / @katherineheigl

Katherine Heigl has a lot to celebrate!  After adopting two beautiful daughters with her husband, singer Josh Kelley, the actress has announced that they are pregnant with a son!

Heigl took to her lifestyle blog to share the big news. She wrote, “We are expecting a third addition to our tribe! It was totally unexpected but thrilling nonetheless. Naleigh and Adalaide are over the moon and can not wait to spoil their new sibling rotten and of course Josh and I are full of high hopes and bubbling anticipation. The whole pregnancy thing is new to me but the thrill of having a baby is not. We’ve known for awhile that we wanted to add to our family and frankly didn’t really care how we chose to do that. We were considering adoption again, fostering, or pregnancy if possible. Seeing 1as I have never been pregnant and as my OB/GYN reminded me last year, I’m of advanced maternal age, I wasn’t sure pregnancy was even in the cards for us. Turns out it was very much in the cards!”

Family was the focus of the couple’s relationship from the beginning.  In 2012, Heigl told Parent & Child “Josh and I started talking about it before we were even engaged…My sister Meg is Korean, and my parents adopted her three years before I was born. I wanted my own family to resemble the one I came from, so I always knew I wanted to adopt from Korea. We have talked about having biological children as well, but we decided to adopt first. I just wanted to be a mom. So however we do that, it’s fine with me.”

Kelley and Heigl married in 2007 and reside in Utah.  In 2009 they adopted daughter Naleigh from South Korea. Naleigh’s name is a combination of the names of Heigl’s mom’s first name (Nancy) and her sister’s middle name (Leigh).  Their second daughter, Adelaide, was adopted domestically 2012.  Heigl told People she chose the name “Adalaide because of my great-grandmother, Marie after my middle name, and Hope because that is what the process became.”


Jennifer Stemwedel with husband and two children

Jennifer S. (she/her) is a graduate of Fresno State University. She spent a number of years working for non-profits before becoming a full-time stay-at-home mother. She currently lives in Central California with her husband, two children, and two codependent cats.