In celebration of Pride Month this past June, Lance Bass revealed that he and his husband, actor Michael Turchin, were going to become parents! The couple also shared at the time that they would be welcoming twins: a boy and a girl! They recently opened up about their surrogacy journey with celebrity fertility doctor Dr. Shahin Ghadir – and we have all the details!

Lance and Michael joined their fertility doctor on his podcast The Fertile Life with Dr. Shahin Ghadir to discuss the process of conceiving their children. They shared that it was a long process going through egg donors and reading and learning all the information about them and running tests. The couple did go through in-vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments and during the process, they suffered miscarriages. “We’ve found [miscarriage] is so common,” Lance shared. “I guess just in the last five years, I feel like it’s not taboo to talk about IVF and surrogacy and people are so open and honest about it now.”

In discussing what the most difficult part of this process was for them, they shared that it was the waiting. “You have a plan in your head of when you’ll start a family and, of course, it’s never going to go the way you want it.” Michael added, “Finding the right egg donor,” was hard. “We went through a bunch. There’s just go many things you think about.” It all worked out, they shared because they “found the egg donor we love the most out of anyone and she ended up working out.”

The couple also talked a little bit about their surrogate. Dr. Ghadir asked if they talked to their surrogate often to which they replied, “We do. Pretty much daily.” They shared that their surrogate lives in Washington and that she’s “a really, really sweet girl.” Dr. Ghadir says that people often have varying relationships with their surrogate but that it can be awkward not to have a strong relationship with the woman carrying a couple’s child. “She’ll always be their angel mom,” Lance shared. “She’s such a part of their lives. I want our kids to know exactly who she is.”

When announcing their news in June, the couple chose to share a Halloween-themed skit they recorded on TikTok. Aside from Halloween being the couple’s favorite holiday, they chose to do this because their twins are set to arrive right around Halloween. They are due on November 6th. On the podcast episode, they dove right into this topic and discussed whether this timing was planned or if it was pure kismet. Dr. Ghadir shared that he had been asked a lot if this was planned. Michael laughed at the thought but shared, “Let’s just go with that! But no, we did not plan that. We were just ready to get pregnant.” Lance added, “It was just serendipitous that it happened that way. I’ve always dreamt of having Halloween babies and it looks like we might have them!”

The couple went into detail about preparing to welcome their little ones, which includes construction of a nursery and other home renovations, buying all the things for their baby, and receiving kind gifts that add to the items they have to prepare for. They joked, “Hopefully they don’t come too early,” as they still have quite a bit to prepare for.

Thank you so much to Lance and Michael for sharing about their story and to Dr. Shahin Ghadir for giving them the platform to open up about their journey. We wish them, their surrogate, and their team all the best as they prepare to welcome their twins into the world.

Headshot of Kate Fann smiling

Kate Fann (she/her) is the celebrity blogger, as well as an established content writer, aspiring author, and social media expert. She has been featured in online publications such as Bolde, ManoByte, Medium, The Social Observer, and more. Kate has ghostwritten numerous romance novels and is currently working on publishing her own works in the Young Adult genre.

Kate lives in East Tennessee with her husband Casey and her two sons, Quinn and Noah. When she's not writing or scrolling Instagram, Kate can be found tasting delicious wines, playing with make-up, baking yummy treats, or hiking the beautiful Smoky Mountains.