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@mollybsims Instagram

Big baby news for actress and model Molly Sims and her husband, Scott Stuber…they’re expecting their third child together!

The happy pregnancy news came via People.com, with Molly telling the site, “It’s a Hail Mary! I’m so happy – we’re so blessed. We were so shocked, but we’re thrilled.”

Molly revealed that they weren’t trying for another child, joking that it’s “what happens when I go visit my husband on the movie set.”

Molly also admitted some concern that “Being 43 is a little worrisome, cause I’m like ‘Okay, you are going to be 90!’,” but she was comforted by the fact that Mick Jagger is set to have another child at age 72, saying, “so we’re like okay, we feel good about ourselves.”

Molly and Scott have two children, Brooks Alan, 4, and Scarlett May, 16 months old.

Watch Molly’s adorable announcement video:

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Miranda Mendelson (she/her) has a bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies from California State University, Northridge with a minor in Women’s Studies. She is an owner/partner in BabyNames.com and daughter of founder Jennifer Moss.

Miranda is a long-time beauty influencer and entrepreneur, authoring her own blog and social media channels under SlashedBeauty.com.