Serena Williams shares first baby photos and video. Find out the baby's name! - Celebrity Baby Blog
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Serena Williams took to social media to let fans in on all the details of the recent birth of her little girl. She even shared the baby’s unique name.

Serena and fiance Alexis Ohanian named their first child Alexis Olympia Ohanian, Jr.

That’s right, a girl with the same name as her daddy. So cool! The name Alexis is of Russian origin and means “defender of the people.”

Serena’s YouTube video chronicled the couple’s entire pregnancy journey, from finding out she was pregnant, through many selfies of the tennis star’s baby bump, to planning for their little one’s arrival (putting together the crib, practicing swaddling techniques on the dog).

Check out Serena with her Australian Open Grand Slam trophy, revealing that she was 8 weeks pregnant when she won!

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Miranda Mendelson (she/her) has a bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies from California State University, Northridge with a minor in Women’s Studies. She is an owner/partner in and daughter of founder Jennifer Moss.

Miranda is a long-time beauty influencer and entrepreneur, authoring her own blog and social media channels under