Last month, influencer Sophia Grace Brownlee revealed that she was expecting her first child. Sophia, who entered the spotlight following her appearance on The Ellen Degeneres Show in 2011, has now revealed the sex of her first child.

Sophia posted a video to her YouTube channel to announce the news. She began the video by sharing that she is 5 months along in her pregnancy and that the reveal will be a bit different as her family and friends already know the sex of her baby. The video was for her followers. “This is specifically just for my followers because I feel like you guys deserve to know and I want to share it with you.” Sophia stood next to a table with blue and pink balloons in an arch around it. There was a cake on the table that Sophia revealed would reveal the sex. She also had a balloon filled with confetti and a confetti popper.

It’s a boy! “When I first found out I was having a boy,” Sophia shared, “I honestly wasn’t shocked because I just felt like from the start that I was going to be a boy mum and I was going to have a boy. Either way, I was going to be happy because I didn’t mind if it was a boy or a girl. I was super, super excited when I found out it was going to be a boy.”

The “Little Things” singer then went on to share how her boyfriend, whose identity has remained anonymous, felt about it. “My boyfriend was so happy about it because I feel like most men do want a boy as their first baby.” She also revealed that her dad was “so happy” about her child being a boy because there are “so many girls” in the family.

Congratulations to Sophia on the news of her baby boy! We wish her all the best as she prepares to welcome a son into the world.

Headshot of Kate Fann smiling

Kate Fann (she/her) is the celebrity blogger, as well as an established content writer, aspiring author, and social media expert. She has been featured in online publications such as Bolde, ManoByte, Medium, The Social Observer, and more. Kate has ghostwritten numerous romance novels and is currently working on publishing her own works in the Young Adult genre.

Kate lives in East Tennessee with her husband Casey and her two sons, Quinn and Noah. When she's not writing or scrolling Instagram, Kate can be found tasting delicious wines, playing with make-up, baking yummy treats, or hiking the beautiful Smoky Mountains.