Dear Jennifer,

We are having a boy and the name we most like is the same name of part of the company my husband works with. What do you think about it as he is feeling strange about it given he answers the phone with the same name numerous times a day
Dear Bella,

It’s difficult to form an opinion if I don’t know the name as I go through a list of tests when making recommendations. How does the name go with the surname? Is it teasable? Is it easy to spell and easy to pronounce or will it be a burden upon the child?

I guess you and your husband have to decide whether it will be a burden on you, as a couple, and on him, as an employee.  Will it have any effect on his job?  If not, then there is not an issue.




Headshot of Jennifer Moss

Jennifer Moss (she/her) is the founder of, author of The Baby Names Workbook, and Producer of The Baby Names Podcast. Jennifer is widely regarded as the leading expert on popular baby name trends and the naming process, serving as the authoritative source on the subject for national and international media.

Jennifer entered the tech arena in the 80s as a software developer and database architect, and became a pioneer in the Internet industry. In addition to operating, Jennifer owns a web development agency in central California.