When choosing a name for their baby, many parents are also concerned about the child’s nickname.  Nicknames have been a fundamental part of our culture for centuries. They serve as shorthand names for friends and family, as well as expressions of endearment – or sometimes teasing. Throughout history, nicknames have played a significant role in shaping personal and cultural identities.

The History of Nicknames

The concept of nicknaming has ancient roots, dating back to the early days of civilization. The word “nickname” itself is derived from the Middle English term “eke name,” meaning an additional name. Since many people had the same first name, communities would assign nicknames to distinguish them within their communities. These nicknames might be based on physical characteristics, such as “Red,” “Tall,” or “Curly,” or on personality traits like “Brave” or “Quiet.”

In some cultures, such as the Native American tribes, nicknames held a deeper significance. These names were often earned through accomplishments, brave deeds, or significant life events. They were a way of commemorating important moments and accomplishments within the community.

Nicknames in the Past

In ancient civilizations, nicknames were used for various purposes, from distinguishing between individuals with common names to conveying status and power. In Roman society, the use of cognomen—a third name that usually served as a nickname—became a significant part of naming conventions. These nicknames often related to personal characteristics or achievements, such as Caesar (derived from the Latin word for “hairy”) or Augustus (meaning “revered” or “majestic”).

During the medieval and Renaissance eras, nicknames evolved and became more creative. People often used descriptive or occupational nicknames. A blacksmith might be called Smith, and someone with a happy disposition might be known as Joy. These nicknames sometimes became surnames, carrying on through generations.

Nicknames in Modern Times

As societies became more diverse and interconnected, the use of nicknames continued to evolve. In modern times, people often use nicknames for terms of endearment. Parents frequently give their children nicknames, creating a unique bond within the family. Friends, too, have their own set of nicknames, often a testament to shared experiences and inside jokes.

black and white photo of a man in a bowtie
Jerome Lester Horwitz, aka “Curly” Howard

With the advent of the internet and social media, online usernames and pseudonyms have become a digital form of nicknaming. People can choose creative and often humorous online personas, contributing to their sense of identity in the virtual world.

Nicknames in Pop Culture

Nicknames have also played a significant role in sports and pop culture. Athletes often acquire memorable monikers based on their skills, personality, or physical attributes. From “Sweetness” for Walter Payton to “Magic” for Earvin Johnson, these nicknames have become iconic.

In pop culture, celebrities and fictional characters often have nicknames that resonate with fans. “The Queen of Pop” (Madonna) and “The Boy Who Lived” (Harry Potter) are just a few examples of the power of nicknaming in creating a brand and persona.

Best Practices in Choosing a Nickname

1. Don’t choose a nickname that makes fun of anything physical, as it might make your child self-conscious. This includes “Little,” a name we tend to give juniors to distinguish them from the parent with the same name. A lot of parents will propagate a name that they called the fetus in the womb, like “Bean” or “Mouse.” This might be cute for a while, but not so much when they start socializing with friends. It could get embarrassing. Jay-Z admitted that he and Beyonce called Blue their “Little Blueberry” when they saw the ultrasound, and that’s how they chose her given name.

2. Remember that when your child gets old enough to form their own identity, the nickname you choose for them probably won’t stick. Your child will decide will eventually decide on their own nickname and when they want to drop the one that’s been “family given.” For example, I dropped Jenny when I went to middle school and was Jenn or Jennifer ever since. We had given my daughter the nickname Mimi in the family, and she also dropped that around middle school. She wanted to be Miranda to her friends, although she still lets family call her Mimi. I still let my first grade teacher call me Jenny.

3. Don’t choose a nickname as a given name. For example: Jimmy, Lulu, Pixie, or Birdie. Many people have different opinions about this, but we believe it’s best to give your child a formal name and use the nickname as just that – a nickname. Give them a choice as they grow, with a formal name that can grow with them. Again, it’s ultimately up to the child what name they choose as their nickname.

4. Check out our AI Nickname Generator if you’re having a hard time choosing a nickname for your child or yourself. It might throw out some doozies, but it will definitely spark some new ideas!

Robot with NAIMBOT label and the words "Nickname Generator"



Jennifer Moss (she/her) is the founder of BabyNames.com, author of The Baby Names Workbook, and Producer of The Baby Names Podcast. Jennifer is widely regarded as the leading expert on popular baby name trends and the naming process, serving as the authoritative source on the subject for national and international media.

Jennifer entered the tech arena in the 80s as a software developer and database architect, and became a pioneer in the Internet industry. In addition to operating BabyNames.com, Jennifer owns a web development agency in central California.