Looking for some name inspo? Browse through our curated name lists and articles about names and naming.
Hi Jennifer,
I’ve been a long time lurker on BabyNames.com, even before I was married or expecting. Now I’m pregnant with my first child and → full article
Hi Jennifer,
Well, I like the name Tavia, but I don’t want to name one of my kids after someone I know who’s name is → full article
Hi Jennifer!
Hi Jennifer-
We’re expecting our third child this fall. We already have 2 girls and this will be our first boy. And “boy” are we → full article
Hi Jennifer,
First of all, thanks for all the questions you answer! I really appreciate them!
I was looking for the name Bethel and didn’t → full article
Dear Jennifer,
We are expecting our third child next month. We have two boys, Paxton and Zephan. We love unique names and it’s important that → full article
Dear Jennifer,
I just came across the baby name Nicora, and thought it was very unique but not too outlandish for a baby girl (albeit → full article
Hi Jennifer,
My husband and I are trying to agree on a girl name. I like the name Leah, but my husband pointed out that → full article
My fiancee and I are already considering names for when we decide to start a family. We both love Beatrice (especially me due to → full article
Hi Jennifer, I was messing around with names recently and came up with Nadaria, a mix of Nadia and Aria.
I was thinking it could → full article
Hello! I’ve decided to answer some of our reader questions on video! Today’s topic is baby name sniping: when you’ve planned to use a baby → full article
Hi Jennifer,
I’m wondering about your thoughts on the name India. When choosing a name for me twenty-two years ago, my parents considered both India → full article
Dear Jennifer,
My grandmother’s first name was Gloriette, pronounced glory-et. I’ve tried looking up this name before with no luck. Does the name come from → full article