Emily too Diminutive?
Hi Jennifer,
I’ve seen you advise many times not to name your child something ending in -ie or -y. I really like the name Emily for my daughter, but do you think it would age well? → full article
Hi Jennifer,
I’ve seen you advise many times not to name your child something ending in -ie or -y. I really like the name Emily for my daughter, but do you think it would age well? → full article
Question… what do you think of when you hear Joaquin? I’m trying to see how this name will work on a Resume when he is older.
Answer… I think of the actor Joaquin Phoenix. → full article
Ruth and the Green Book
by Calvin Alexander Ramsey
Teaching children about America’s history of racism is challenging. While we discuss current events and historical figures like Martin Luther King, Jr., we look for age-appropriate resources to tell more personal parts of our history in a way that a child can understand. → full article
Another baby book? Yes, but with a high-tech addition: aim your smartphone at codes in the book, and you’ll see 3D videos of babies in every week of development.
“The Wonder Within You” by author Carey Wickersham showcases the development of a baby forming inside its mother. → full article
We’ve covered the robot baby buggies made by 4moms here — and now you can look forward to more high-tech help from the small company, as it just won a $41 million investment. → full article
Hello Jennifer,
I am starting to love month and seasonal names. Right now I like April. Must my daughter be born in April to receive that name or is that tacky? Same with Summer or Autumn, do they need to be born in that season, should I avoid matching birthday with name, or does it even matter? → full article
Hi Jennifer,
I recently met a young lady with the name Beige, and I simply love it! I think it is a great alternative to Paige, and I noticed that it is not in the database! → full article
I’ve always loved the name Dakota. While I’m not yet expecting, it’s at the top of our list for a girl as it’s one of the few names we agree on. Recently, though, someone mentioned to me that it’s a culturally insensitive name due to the Native American tribe and that it would be cruel to use it for a child’s name. → full article
“Need to keep an eye on your little one napping, while you enjoy diner with your friends in the living room?” asks electronics maker Withings. “Want to have him under your benevolent eye when you are on a business trip? → full article
The School for Cats by Esther Averill
A few years ago, a friend recommended the Jenny’s Cat Club books for my cat-obsessed daughter. I expected to find another cute, fluffy kitty book. I was mistaken and delighted to be mistaken. → full article
Can you “Take control of your reproductive health” as the developer of Glow claims? A recent review of the free app on the Gizmodo technology site says: Yes, you can.
Glow says its will let you pinpoint your ovulation day and track your period with its “advanced proprietary algorithms and its ability to crunch vast amounts of data at multiple stages of the reproductive journey.”
The article on Gizmodo notes “actually made gathering information about cervical mucus (CM) pretty fun (well, as fun as it could be). → full article
An interactive storybook for the iPad can foster a love of classical music in children of all ages. “Hear the beautiful music and get involved!” says developer Infinite Fermata.
The Four Seasons: A Vivaldi Storybook features a kid-friendly arrangement of one of the most beloved pieces of classical music, coupled with “loads of fun interactivity” with which children can make geese sing, or squirrels fly. → full article
This portable folding booster seat can “help mom keep baby’s feeding surface clean and sanitized,” Fisher-Price says, “but has all the other features moms and toddlers need.”
There’s a removable tray, with a snap-on cover that is sized to fit most toddler plates. → full article
As a mother of two girls, I look for books with female protagonists who aren’t limited by our culture’s definition of “feminine.” Pink and glitter are part of my daily life, and there’s nothing wrong with that; but I feel it’s important to share books with them that feature girls doing things, not girls doing circumscribed girly things. → full article
Hi Jennifer,
For as long as I remember, I planned on giving all my children names which are anagrams of my name, Adina. I named our first baby boy Aidan.
I’m expecting my second baby in January, so I don’t know the sex yet. → full article