Dylan for a Girl?
Dear Jennifer,
I really like the name Dylan for a girl, but everyone tells me it is much too masculine. I thought spelling it Dilynn → full article
Dear Jennifer,
I really like the name Dylan for a girl, but everyone tells me it is much too masculine. I thought spelling it Dilynn → full article
Dear Jennifer:
My husband and I are expecting our first child in the spring. We don’t want to find out the sex in advance, so → full article
Hello Jennifer,
I love your site! I also enjoy reading your “Ask BabyNames.com” section, and today I am going to ask my own question.
We all grew up with stuffed animals — but ours weren’t stuffed with sensors. This new Tedi keeps an eye on your child for you, → full article
You don’t want your child chewing on a photo print — but one secured in a plastic toy-like frame will be safe.
The Discovery Forget → full article
One primary problem in getting pregnant: pinpointing when your most fertile.
Fairhaven Health says its OvaCue Fertility Monitor can identify when ovulation will occur → full article
Just how high-tech can a baby carriage be? Any more than this one, and it’d be a spaceship.
It’s called the origami because it folds → full article
Hi Jennifer!
My father and I both have unique names – albeit ones we have to keep spelling and pronouncing for people – and neither → full article
Hi Jennifer,
Here is a name I didn’t see in ANY of hundreds of sites was a name I thought of myself: Zandophen. To me
→ full articleDear Jennifer,
After a long and painful decision-making process, I think we’ve settled on Lydia and Quentin for our g/b twins. Since the kids will → full article
Hi Jennifer! We have 3 boys and just found out we are having a baby girl. We had picked Leo as a boy’s name and → full article
Hi Jennifer,
We have a son Brandon. Is Brenna too similar for a little sister name? Looking for an honest opinion.
Mary Donaghey
Dear → full article
Explaining death to young children is such a touchy thing. It’s usually something parents don’t want to do, so we put it off until we → full article
If ever there was a perfect bedtime book for the younger set, Time for Bed is it. Written by Mem Fox and illustrated by Jane → full article