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Make better baby food


Making healthy homemade food for your infant can be simple, says Baby Brezza: Just add your ingredients and set your steam time, and its device will do the rest, steaming and blending fruits, vegetables, meats and fish all in one bowl quickly and easily. → full article

Christmas Favor

Dear Jennifer,

I was hoping you could help me with one of my Christmas gifts for my mom, whom I’m very close to. We spend a lot of time discussing the potential names of my potential children, and I thought it would be really awesome to get her own name added to your database. → full article

New name: Maeva

Hello Jennifer,

I love your site! I also enjoy reading your “Ask” section, and today I am going to ask my own question.

I really enjoy French/French Canadian names such as “Coralie”, and sometimes browse popular Quebec names to get ideas. → full article

Find out if you’re Fertile


One primary problem in getting pregnant: pinpointing when your most fertile.

Fairhaven Health says its OvaCue Fertility Monitor can identify when ovulation will occur to increase your chances of becoming pregnant.

The fertility monitor predicts ovulation up to seven days in advance, and is 98 percent accurate. → full article

About the name Derwyn

Hi Jennifer!

My father and I both have unique names – albeit ones we have to keep spelling and pronouncing for people – and neither of them are on the database. I know my name is a French respelling of “Lauren”, but I’m not too sure about my dad’s name, Derwyn. → full article

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