
Childbirth: A Multimedia Course & Resource Kit is a CD that was developed by a family physician and a registered nurse who teaches childbirth classes as a guide for pregnant women as well as for their partners and caretakers.

Its eight lessons include: 1. Your Last Weeks of Pregnancy (relaxation techniques, breathing, exercises, labor induction), 2. Early, Active and Transition Labor (breathing techniques, comfort measures, timing contractions, medical interventions, fetal monitoring, analgesics), 3. Pushing (breathing methods, pushing positions, episiotomies, forceps and vacuum use), 4. Delivering the Placenta (expelling the placenta, massaging the uterus, cord blood testing), 5. Special Situations (cesarean sections, breech and multiple births), 6. Postpartum Care of Yourself (physical changes, diet, exercise, sex life), 7. Care of Your Newborn (bathing, colic, cord care, diaper changing, sleeping, spitting up), 8. Feeding Your Newborn (breast feeding instructions and demonstrations, expressing and storing breast milk, breast care, formula preparation and feeding, feeding cautions).

Each lesson includes video clips, text and images demonstrating key concepts of delivery, infant and mother care, as well as an optional self-assessment. The resource kit that accompanies the CD contains birth-plan templates, a baby-shower planning guide, doctor-visit templates, and a video of an actual birth. The self-paced tutorial makes it easy for parents with hectic schedules or who are on bedrest to find out the nuts-and-bolts of prenatal and postnatal care, and also serves as a refresher course for subsequent pregnancies.

Purchase it here.



Susan Moss is an owner/partner in and is a freelance bookkeeper in Chicago, Illinois.