Screen Shot 2015-09-14 at 5.16.29 PMToddlers on Technology: A Parents’ Guide,” currently under $20 at Amazon, was written by a mom and two early-childhood educators to help parents choose how and when their children are exposed to various technology, from iPads to computers to cell-phone apps.

The book explains, in easy-to-understand language, why technology is so fascinating to little ones, what constitutes a “good app,” and how to match an app to your child’s temperament and learning style. It also helps gauge when technology is useful and educational for young children as opposed to when it’s used to “check out.”

Chapters cover today’s toddlers and how they’re most often introduced to technology; various hardware and software used by young children; balancing technology with non-technology play and learning; app reviews; and the science behind toddlers on technology.

Amazon reviewers currently give the book a solid five-star rating. Buy the book here.


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Susan Moss is an owner/partner in and is a freelance bookkeeper in Chicago, Illinois.