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Tired of your little one grabbing your phone or tablet? V Tech has an app for that–or rather, a bunch of apps. The Little Apps Tablet provides hours of fun and learning for 2- to 5-year olds (although Amazon reviewers report babies as young as 18 months being able to use it).

The electronic tablet comes with a color-changing screen, musical keyboard, and applications that teach counting, words, and letters. There are also four interactive apps included with the tablet: music play, a calendar activity, a pretend camera game, and a fun question and answer chat feature.

Two AA batteries (included) serve as the power source. The tablet measures 11.8 inches by 9.5 inches and is two inches thick. At only 1.2 pounds, it can be carried around by your child. (Many parents say their kids love using it on car trips.)

The Little Apps Tablet is available here.

Susan Moss is an owner/partner in and is a freelance bookkeeper in Chicago, Illinois.