the wonder within you

Another baby book? Yes, but with a high-tech addition: aim your smartphone at codes in the book, and you’ll see 3D videos of babies in every week of development.

The Wonder Within You” by author Carey Wickersham showcases the development of a baby forming inside its mother. The 3D ultrasound images “show how babies in the womb blink, jump, smile, and cry,” she says.

“It’s so exciting be the first generation to use this new technology to peer inside the womb and witness each amazing stage of our baby’s development,” Wickersham adds. “From the secret moment of conception to the first breath of earthy air — It’s a journey worth celebrating, and one that is fascinating to both mothers and scientists alike.”

There are also plenty of printed pictures in the hardback book, as well as a pregnancy calendar with stickers, “to help you stay organized and keep track of your unique experience.”

Susan Moss is an owner/partner in and is a freelance bookkeeper in Chicago, Illinois.