It’s a crazy world we live in, and though we shouldn’t live every moment in fear, it’s always good to be prepared. As much as we may not like it, we can’t always have our eyes on our kids 24/7, which is where these gadgets come in handy.

Wearable safety devices for kids have risen in popularity over the past few years as technology has become more advanced in tracking and communicating with people remotely. Whether you want to check in on your kid’s whereabouts, or even communicate with them without having to unleash an iPhone on them, these three gadgets will give you peace of mind when you can’t be with them.

1. ROBORanger

Three Child Safety Devices for When You're Not Around | BabyNames Blog
The ROBORanger is the world’s first connected personal safety alarm. Great for both adults and children, this small portable device that emits a 130-decible alarm while also alerting 911 of your distress. It doesn’t rely on tethering or a smartphone— it’s completely standalone and provides 24/7 coverage virtually anywhere in the world. The small black pin is sturdy, but when pulled off activates the blaring alarm and safety response. The alarm will help ward off immediate threats while 911 is notified of the exact GPS location. It can also notify friends and family when its been activated.

The ROBORanger is available for pre-sale on Kickstarter for an early bird price of $79 (it will be $149 once launched)
You can also purchase the Sound Grenade, which has the same alarm capability without the 911 or family alert for $14.99 on Amazon.

2. AngelSense

Three Child Safety Devices for When You're Not Around | BabyNames Blog
AngelSense was originally created for children with special needs, but can be helpful for kids and parents from all walks of life. The monitor lets you see your child’s routes and locations during the day in real time, as well as gives you the capability to listen in on your child and receive a text alert for unknown locations. When in distress, there is a special “runner mode” designed to help you find your child with live 10-second updates. While you can listen in on your child, it does not have two-way commutation and is rather pricey at $499 (though this comes with a one year subscription).

AngelSense Tracker is available for $499 on Amazon.

3. My Buddy Tag

Three Child Safety Devices for When You're Not Around | BabyNames Blog
My Buddy Tag is a smart wristband that connects to an app on the parent’s smartphone to reveal location, if it’s submerged underwater, and allows your child to alert you when in need of your help. The proximity setting is adjustable for alerts, such as a school or home. You can also remove the buddy tag from the wristband and insert into a pocket or tie it into a shoelace.

My Buddy Tag is available in several different colors for $37.99 on Amazon.

Headshot of Miranda Mendelson

Miranda Mendelson (she/her) has a bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies from California State University, Northridge with a minor in Women’s Studies. She is an owner/partner in and daughter of founder Jennifer Moss.

Miranda is a long-time beauty influencer and entrepreneur, authoring her own blog and social media channels under