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Dr. Who Name

Jennifer, I absolutely love your website! I was watching Dr. Who the other day and one of the characters names was Cathica. I can’t find any information on the name – if it is even a name used before or if it was made up for Dr Who. → full article

Feedback on Dexter

Hi Jennifer,

I was just browsing through your Q&A and came across the question about the name Dexter being too reminiscent of the serial killer from the TV show. You advise against using the name because it has “bad associations” right now. → full article

The Dexter Association

Hi Jennifer,

My husband and I have a last name ending in –er so I always said I would NEVER name a child something ending in –er to avoid the rhyming sound. Lately, I’ve been hung up on Trent and he’s liking Dexter…I actually don’t think it sounds as rhyming as a lot of other  –er names and actually do like it, but I’m not sure I like the idea of telling our son we came up with his name from a serial killer on TV. → full article

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