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Embedding Dad’s Name

Hi Jennifer,

I’ve been a long time lurker on BabyNames.com, even before I was married or expecting. Now I’m pregnant with my first child and would appreciate your help; I love the name Declan and the meaning ‘full of goodness.’ My husband’s name is Clay and I was trying to make the baby’s name more meaningful by adding a ‘Y’ to produce the title “Declayn.” My husband thinks that everyone will mispronounce the name and it will cause confusion. → full article

Creating a New Name

Hi Jennifer,

Well, I like the name Tavia, but I don’t want to name one of my kids after someone I know who’s name is Tavia. So I added a suffix, “anna”. I looked on your site, and “Tavia” was listed as an abbreviation of “Octavia”, meaning eight, and “anna” was listed as “gracious, merciful”. → full article

Blending Surnames

Hi Jennifer!

I’d love to hear your advice about blending my last name, Rothschild, (ROTH-child) with my fiance’s last name, Meyer (MY-er). The readily available options are Rothsmeyer and Meychild, (although we’d probably do Rothmeyer or Mychild, to spare our kids the trouble of spelling it over and over for people). → full article
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