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Transcript 83: Names and Women’s Rights


#83 Names and Women’s Rights

J: I’m Jennifer Moss.

M: And I’m Mallory Moss.

J: And we’re the founders of BabyNames.com. 

M: And we’re sisters, too (singing)

J: Yes, we are! And our first segment is always INTERESTING Names we’ve found since the last episode

J: Well there’s certainly a CELEBRITY baby name that is interesting, but I’ll save that for our celebrity news segment. Read More

Names and Women's Rights

Names and Women’s Rights

Episode 83 – To celebrate Women’s History Month, Jennifer and Mallory dive into how names are affected by women’s rights and lack thereof. We discuss women’s surnames, names, naming female babies and the prefix Ms. We also report on the latest celebrity baby news and take letters from our listeners! Read More

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