
What is the meaning of the name Arlo?

The name Arlo is primarily a male name of German origin that means Hill.

Could be shortened version of CARLO, CARLOS or CHARLES. Arlo Guthrie, musician.

People who like the name Arlo also like:

Oliver, Felix, Atticus, Henry, August, Leo, Milo, Isla, Amelia, Violet, Hazel, Ruby, Charlotte, Iris

Names like Arlo:

Auriel, Arwel, Aurelio, Ariel, Ariella, Airlia, Arella, Airlie, Arielle, Aurele, Aurelie, Arilla, Aurelia, Areli, Airell, Ariela

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Arlo Cook - son of Julia Stiles and Preston J. Cook , born 2022
Arlo Robert Galafassi - son of Toni Collette and David Galafassi , born 2011

Stats for the Name Arlo

checkmark Arlo is currently #82 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Arlo is currently #158 in U.S. births

Songs about Arlo

Goodnight Little Arlo - Woody Guthrie
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