
What is the meaning of the name Adeline?

The name Adeline is primarily a female name of English origin that means Noble.

Common nicknames for the name Adeline include Ada, Lyn, and Dina. Adeline Viriginia Woolf was a very famous British author who did not use the name Adeline in her nom de plume. Adeline Pond Adams was an American writer. Adeline Andre is a Fashion designer. Louise Adeline Weitzel was a German-American writer and Adeline Yen Mah is a Chinese American author. Adeline Canac is a French figure skater. Adeline Genee was a ballet dancer. Adeline Knapp was a turn of the 19th century journalist and educator. There is also a movie called Sweet Adeline based on a Broadway musical with the same name.

Different Spellings of the name Adeline:


People who like the name Adeline also like:

Evelyn, Violet, Audrey, Adelaide, Adalyn, Amelia, Charlotte, Owen, Declan, Henry, Liam, Oliver, Benjamin, Theodore

Names like Adeline:

Adelina, Adalyn, Adalynn, Adelyn

Stats for the Name Adeline

checkmark Adeline is currently #21 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Adeline is currently #71 in U.S. births

Songs about Adeline

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Ruby Adeline - Minnie Driver
Sweet Adeline - Elliott Smith
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