
What is the meaning of the name Alfonso?

The name Alfonso is primarily a male name of Italian origin that means Noble, Ready.

Famous bearers: Alfonso Ribeiro, American actor. Alfonso Cuarón, Mexican filmmaker. Alfonso XIII, king of Spain. Alfonso VI of León and Castile, 12th century king. 

Different Spellings of the name Alfonso:

Alfonzo, Alphonzo, Alphonso

People who like the name Alfonso also like:

Dominic, Aiden, Vincent, Benjamin, Ethan, Alec, Adan, Anastasia, Celeste, Victoria, Bianca, Luciana, Abigail, Bella

Names like Alfonso:

Alphonse, Alphonsus

Stats for the Name Alfonso

checkmark Alfonso is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Alfonso is currently #975 in U.S. births
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