
What is the meaning of the name Andrea?

The name Andrea is primarily a gender-neutral name of Italian origin that means Manly.

Form of ANDREW. Can be pronounced ANN-dree-a or Ahn-DRAY-a. Andrea Bocelli, tenor.

Different Spellings of the name Andrea:

Andria, Andreah, Andreea, Andreya

People who like the name Andrea also like:

Andrew, Ethan, Alexander, Benjamin, Aiden, Adrian, Matthew, Ava, Charlotte, Audrey, Amelia, Sophia, Elizabeth, Olivia

Names like Andrea:

AnnDrue, Andrey, Andre, Anitra, Androw, Amador, Andra, Ander, Andrei, Aindrea, Andrew, Andor

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Aurelius Cy Andrea Busson - son of Arpad Busson and Elle MacPherson , born 2003

Stats for the Name Andrea

checkmark Andrea is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Andrea is currently #173 in U.S. births

Songs about Andrea

Andrea - The Sunrays
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