
What is the meaning of the name Angelina?

The name Angelina is primarily a female name of Italian origin that means Messenger Of God.

Angelina Jolie, actress.

Different Spellings of the name Angelina:

Angileena, Angellena

People who like the name Angelina also like:

Abigail, Olivia, Arianna, Gabriella, Isabella, Ava, Bella, Benjamin, Andrew, Alexander, Nicholas, Liam, Gabriel, Anthony

Names like Angelina:

Anselma, Anselm, Angeline, Ancelin

Stats for the Name Angelina

checkmark Angelina is currently #79 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Angelina is currently #314 in U.S. births

Songs about Angelina

Angelina - Billy Bob Thornton
Angelina - Bob Dylan
Angelina - Harry Belafonte
Angelina - Marillion
Angelina - Slade
Farewell Angelina - Joan Baez
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