
  • Gender: Neutral
  • Origin: Indian
  • Meaning: Understanding Of True Nature

What is the meaning of the name Bodhi?

The name Bodhi is primarily a gender-neutral name of Indian origin that means Understanding Of True Nature.

Bodhi, in Buddhism, is the understanding possessed by a Buddha regarding the true nature of things.

Different Spellings of the name Bodhi:


People who like the name Bodhi also like:

Oliver, Arlo, Jack, Hudson, Jasper, Archer, Declan, Hazel, Amelia, Violet, Wren, Aurora, Isla, Aria

Names like Bodhi:

Buddy, Beauty, Bud, Babette, Bet, Beda, Biddy, Beto, Bette, Bode, Batia, Beate, Batu, Boyd, Bede, Bodie, Bodo, Beata, Booth, Batya, Betty, Betha, Beat, Behitha, Bade, Buddha, Batyah, Badu, Beta, Beth

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Bodhi Thomas Parker - son of Tom Parker and Kelsey Parker , born 2020
Bodhi Hawn Hudson - son of Oliver Hudson and Erinn Bartlett , born 2010
Luka Bodhi Colicchio - son of Tom Colicchio and Lori Silverbush , born 2009

Stats for the Name Bodhi

checkmark Bodhi is currently #85 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Bodhi is currently #296 in U.S. births
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