
What is the meaning of the name Darcy?

The name Darcy is primarily a gender-neutral name of French origin that means Dark One.

The given name Darcy is from an English surname, originally derived from the French "d'Arcy." D'Arcy indicated a family from Arcy, France.

Mr. Darcy is the famous love interest in Jane Austen's novel, Pride and Prejudice.

People who like the name Darcy also like:

Declan, Liam, Oliver, Finn, Henry, Gabriel, William, Amelia, Violet, Scarlett, Eleanor, Charlotte, Aurora, Alice

Names like Darcy:

Derrick, Darcie, Dirk, Didrika, Doric, Darrius, Dorcas, Derecho, Derek, Drika, Dorisa, Drake, Darius, Daruka, Druce, Darach, Dorika, Drogo, Derica, Derrix, Doris, Dierk, Dark, Darsha, Diedrick, Darice, Dericia, Dorsey, Durga, Drago

Stats for the Name Darcy

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