
What is the meaning of the name Eva?

The name Eva is primarily a female name of Hebrew origin that means Giver Of Life.

Eva Pigford, model. Eva Gabor, actress.

People who like the name Eva also like:

Olivia, Grace, Charlotte, Amelia, Ella, Ava, Emma, Benjamin, Liam, Oliver, Ethan, Gabriel, Elijah, Owen

Names like Eva:

Ebbo, Evea, Evie, Eabha, Evia, Eve, Effie, Ebbe, Ebba

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Eva James Jenner - daughter of Brandon Jenner and Leah Felder , born 2015

Stats for the Name Eva

checkmark Eva is currently #98 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Eva is currently #112 in U.S. births

Songs about Eva

Eva - Orgy
Eva The Carrier - A Skylit Drive
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