
What is the meaning of the name Fred?

The name Fred is primarily a male name of English origin that means Peaceful Ruler.

Short form of the name Frederick. Fred Flinstone, TV cartoon character. Fred MacMurray, actor.

People who like the name Fred also like:

Daniel, Henry, Oliver, William, Harry, Jack, George, Mia, Lucy, Emma, Charlotte, Molly, Ella, Lily

Names like Fred:

Farid, Fareeda, Frith, Frida, Fortuo, Ferdi, Farida, Freida, Faraday, Freddy, Ford, Friday, Freddie, Firth, Feride, Frieda, Freed, Fariat

Stats for the Name Fred

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Songs about Fred

Fred Astaire - Lucky Boys Confusion
Fred Bear - Ted Nugent
Fred Fannakapan - Gracie Fields
Fred Jones Part 2 - Ben Folds
I Am Fred Astaire - Taking Back Sunday
Just Like Fred Astaire - James
Mr. Freddie - Sam Bush
Right said Fred - Bernard Cribbins
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