
What is the meaning of the name Grey?

The name Grey is primarily a gender-neutral name of English origin that means Grey-haired.

People who like the name Grey also like:

Grayson, Oliver, Jack, Owen, Finn, August, Liam, Violet, Grace, Wren, Hazel, Charlotte, Ivy, Scarlett

Names like Grey:

Guerra, Geir, Gari, Garo, Gray, Gorou, Guri, Guerrero, Gauri, Gaura, Goro, Gwawr, Grayer, Gera, Gur, Greer, Geri, Gore, Gary, Garry, Gayora, Gerry

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Grey Oliver McGraw - son of Morgan Stewart and Jordan McGraw , born 2022
Selena Grey Celorier - daughter of Jessica Marie Garcia and Adam Celorier , born 2022
Ledger Grey Lundberg - son of Sabrina Bryan and Jordan Lundberg , born 2023

Stats for the Name Grey

checkmark Grey is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Grey is currently #862 in U.S. births
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