
What is the meaning of the name Jolie?

The name Jolie is primarily a female name of French origin that means Pretty.

Angelina Jolie, actress

Different Spellings of the name Jolie:


People who like the name Jolie also like:

Grace, Charlotte, Scarlett, Olivia, Aria, Ava, Juliette, Liam, Jonah, William, Mason, Oliver, Jackson, Landon

Names like Jolie:

Jalaal, Jazzelle, Jehiel, Jalila, Julie, Jacquelle, Jaela, Julio, Jayla, Joella, Jalil, Jael, Jaziel, Jezziel, Jezel, Jalal, Jeaselle, Jayliah, Jokull, Jewel, Jaelle , Jakayla, Jaleh, July, Joely, Julia, Jia Li, Jazelle, Jalie, Jajly

Stats for the Name Jolie

checkmark Jolie is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Jolie is currently #906 in U.S. births
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