
What is the meaning of the name Kehlani?

The name Kehlani is primarily a female name of American origin that has an unknown or unconfirmed meaning.

The name could be a combination variation of the Hawaiian name, Leilani. Popularized by Kehlani Parrish, singer/songwriter and Grammy winner.

Different Spellings of the name Kehlani:


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Names like Kehlani:

Keaghlan, Kalona, Kealani, Kalyani, Kellen, Khalon, Kalin, Kilenya, Kallima, Kailani, Kelin, Kahikilani, Kaulana, Koleyna, Kaylyn, Killian, Klynn, Kalani, Kalenna, Kilim, Kilohana, Kaloni, Kalama, Kailano, Kaelin, Klahan, Kellyn, Kylan, Kalliyan, Kaelyn

Stats for the Name Kehlani

checkmark Kehlani is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Kehlani is currently #156 in U.S. births
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