
  • Gender: Neutral
  • Origin: Irish
  • Meaning: Descendant Of The Brightheaded One

What is the meaning of the name Kellen?

The name Kellen is primarily a gender-neutral name of Irish origin that means Descendant Of The Brightheaded One.

Different Spellings of the name Kellen:


People who like the name Kellen also like:

Holden, Nolan, Liam, Owen, Connor, Declan, Kellan, Amelia, Charlotte, Evelyn, Isla, Audrey, Ava, Olivia

Names like Kellen:

Klynn, Kalenna, Kalona, Kilohana, Kayleen, Keelin, Kakalina, Kaylana, Klahan, Keaghlan, Kalyan, Kaelem, Kalyani, Koleyna, Kaloni, Kallima, Kaulana, Kailano, Kalliyan, Keelan, Kaylyn, Kellan, Kaelyn, Kailani, Kulon, Kellyn, Kolina, Kylene, Kaleem, Kehlani

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Shepherd Kellen Seinfeld - son of Jerry and Jessica Seinfeld , born 2005

Stats for the Name Kellen

checkmark Kellen is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Kellen is currently #919 in U.S. births
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