
What is the meaning of the name Kenzo?

The name Kenzo is primarily a male name of Japanese origin that means Wise One.

Kenzo is a Japanese name that has as its origin two characters: ken (wise) and zo (three).

Architect Kenzo Tanaka; fashion designer Kenzo.

People who like the name Kenzo also like:

Lorenzo, Carlo, Xavier, Alexander, Enzo, Valentino, Arlo, Zuri, Suki, Mila, Violet, Ava, Isabella, Aurora

Names like Kenzo:

Knox, Kancy, Kenica, Kanji, Kuniyuki, Kenzie, Kenisha, Kyung, Kensey, Kianga, Kameko, Kuniko, Kanga, Khuong, King, Kenaz, Kamika, Kyong, Ken'Ichi, Kanika, Kumiko, Kenji, Kong, Kimiko, Kenechukwu, Kwanza, Kinsey, Kiango, Kennice, Kanak

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Kenzo Kash Hart - son of Kevin Hart and Eniko Parrish , born 2017

Stats for the Name Kenzo

checkmark Kenzo is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Kenzo is currently #618 in U.S. births
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