
What is the meaning of the name Kira?

The name Kira is primarily a female name of English origin that means Black.

Form of Ciara or Kyra.
Also a Russian name meaning 'Lady'.
Alternatively an Indian name meaning 'light'.

Different Spellings of the name Kira:

Kirah, Qhyrrae

People who like the name Kira also like:

Keira, Chloe, Olivia, Charlotte, Ava, Lily, Violet, Owen, Jack, Aiden, Oliver, Gavin, Ethan, Liam

Names like Kira:

Kairu, Kurou, Kerri, Kyrie, Kara, Kierra, Karro, Kachiri, Kerra, Kyria, Keira, Kore, Kaikoura, Kaywar, Kori, Kaysar, Khari, Khair, Kaira, Kokuro, Kishora, Kirya, Kaiser, Kuri, Kaori, Kiara, Karah, Kyra, Khosrow, Kory

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Kira Katherine McIntyre - daughter of Joey McIntyre and Barrett McIntyre , born 2011

Stats for the Name Kira

checkmark Kira is currently #50 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Kira is currently #430 in U.S. births
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