
  • Gender: Female
  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Alluring Enchantress

What is the meaning of the name Lorelei?

The name Lorelei is primarily a female name of German origin that means Alluring Enchantress.

Lorelei Lee, character in movie "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" played by Marilyn Monroe. Lorelai Gilmore, main character in the tv show "The Gilmore Girls."

Different Spellings of the name Lorelei:

Loralei, Loralye, Lorelai, Lorallie

People who like the name Lorelei also like:

Aurora, Olivia, Amelia, Violet, Charlotte, Scarlett, Genevieve, Ethan, Oliver, Gabriel, Owen, Landon, Liam, Declan

Names like Lorelei:

Laurel, Lorelle

Stats for the Name Lorelei

checkmark Lorelei is currently #54 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Lorelei is currently #485 in U.S. births

Songs about Lorelei

Lorelei - Alison Brown
Lorelei - Styx
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