
What is the meaning of the name Leon?

The name Leon is primarily a male name of French origin that means Lion.

People who like the name Leon also like:

Leo, Henry, Oliver, Liam, Jasper, Gabriel, Owen, Alice, Charlotte, Amelia, Aurora, Violet, Lily, Olivia

Names like Leon:

Layne, Lumen, Lilliana, Liwanu, Liona, Lillian, Leanna, Leoma, Laine, Llywelyn, Lyn, Lenmana, Lalana, Lam, Lonan, Lenny, Liam, Lan, Lolonyo, Lona, Leinani, Lynne, Lahahana, Louanna, Lono, Luana, Leilani, Lonnie, Loma, Lilinoe

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Jameson Leon Baldwin - son of Billy Baldwin and Chynna Phillips , born 2000
Knox Leon Jolie-Pitt - son of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt , born 2008

Stats for the Name Leon

checkmark Leon is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Leon is currently #148 in U.S. births
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